Findlay Police Chief Retiring

The Chief of Police for the City of Findlay is retiring.

Chief Robert Ring’s last day as chief will be in late April.

He has served as Chief of Police since July of 2020.

Captain James Mathias will serve as interim chief and a new police chief could be named in May.

The city says Mathias and three lieutenants in the police department are all eligible to seek the chief’s position.

During his tenure with the Findlay Police Department Chief Ring served in a variety of positions and earned a multitude of commendations during his progression through the ranks.

He was the Department’s Officer of the Year in 1997, trained new officers as a Field Training Officer, and was a Firearms Instructor.

Ring oversaw the Patrol and Detective Divisions prior to his promotion to Captain in 2018.

Chief Ring also served 20 years on the Department’s Crisis Management Team, leaving that team in 2019 as the Team Commander.

“Chief Ring will be dearly missed. He has been a key piece of the City of Findlay Police Department for 27 years and an absolute pleasure to work with,” said Mayor Christina Muryn.

“He has the respect of the Police Department, his colleagues and the community. He has also done a wonderful job of building a strong bench to ensure a smooth transition and the maintenance of the standards the City of Findlay team expects. I am excited for his next phase of life that he has earned 100 times over.”

“Chief Ring has truly been an asset to the Findlay Police Department. As he has served in many capacities over the last 27 years, he has done so with the utmost integrity and service-oriented approach,” said Service Safety Director Rob Martin. “The Police Department and the City of Findlay are both better because of Chief Ring’s dedication and influence. He will be missed.”

“It has been an honor to serve with the men and women of the Findlay Police Department, the various City of Findlay departments, and the citizens of Findlay,” said Chief Ring.

“I am confident in the direction of the Department and look forward to seeing the next Chief continue the tradition of service and the process of moving the Department forward. I wish the Department well and I look forward to more family time in appreciation of the support they have all given me over the last 27 years.”