Big Dave

Big Dave Crosser
Weekdays 10am to 2pm

EMAIL ME: [email protected]

WHERE ARE YOU FROM: Born in Findlay, but spent most of my early years in McComb, so I guess I kind of claim them both as my hometown. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE COUNTRY ARTIST: Little Big Town. They sound so very good live, and there’s a lot of material that came out before they hit it big with “Pontoon” that I really like. I still love “Boondocks” of course, but “Good As Gone” is great, “The Reason Why” is awesome, “Kiss Goodbye” is pretty powerful stuff. They also have an unbelievable story of sticking to it despite all kinds of setbacks, from record label shenanigans to the unexpected death of a spouse, it’s not been an easy road for these 4!

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COUNRY SONG: It does change. For a long time it was “Sounds So Good” by Ashton Shepherd because it was just a perfect summer song. Hard to be in a bad mood with that one coming through the speakers. Lately I’m afraid I’m falling for Kacey Musgraves. There is a lot of music out today that seems sort of… robotic. It seems like all you have to do is mention a tailgate, some moonlight, a little booze, and some form of blue jeans (cutoff or otherwise) and you’ve got yourself a hit. Kacey isn’t always what you’d call uplifting, but at least she is believable!

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE QUOTE: “I am having a very bad day. I just got out of jail this morning, already I have been shot at, I was on a bus that flipped over 17 times, somebody tried to stab me in the bathroom, and somebody blew up my Porsche.” – Eddie Murphy in “Another 48 Hours.”

WHY DO THEY CALL YOU “BIG DAVE”: One reason is because I’m really tall. I stand 6’ 8” which makes people exclaim: “Wow, you’re really tall!” when they first meet me. “Tall Dave” however, doesn’t sound very cool! It works out because here at WKXA there are at least 4 of us named Dave, and we have to tell each other apart somehow!