Police Officers Graduate From D.A.R.E. Instructor Training

(From the Tiffin Police Department)

We’re excited to announce that the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) Program is back at the Tiffin Police Department!

Officer Chris Perry and Officer Alec Traxler have recently graduated from D.A.R.E. Instructor Training and are ready to start working with our local students.

Their primary audience will be fifth and sixth graders, but our officers are trained to instruct K-12 programs as well. Not only will Officers Perry and Traxler teach in the classroom, but you’ll also see them interacting with students during lunch or recess.

These officers were carefully chosen for their excellent communication skills and their ability to connect with students. They’ve been trained by specialists in education and psychology to deliver the D.A.R.E. curriculum in a way that’s both engaging and effective.

The D.A.R.E. program, originally developed in Los Angeles, is co-sponsored by the Ohio Attorney General, the Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police, and the Ohio Department of Education. It’s supported by local law enforcement and school districts across the state.

Previous D.A.R.E. Officers for the Tiffin Police Department where Jan Fabian, David Pauly, Julie Brothers, and Fred Stevens. By teaching essential life skills to our students, we believe we’re giving them the tools they need to confidently “Just Say No” to drugs.

Congrats to Officer Perry and Officer Traxler on this achievement!

Chief Pauly