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100.5 WKXA

100.5 WKXA

today, mostly cloudy high of 70

tonight, mostly cloudy low of 55

tomorrow, cloudy with chance of showers, high of 78

weather powered by VisitFindlay.com

100.5 WKXA

100.5 WKXA

Today On Rex Howard In The Morning: What is something you memorized as a kid that you’ve never forgotten? Could have been for church, school, a club?

100.5 WKXA

100.5 WKXA

The Great Weekend Debate: Are You Team Edge or Team Middle when it comes to indulging in brownies?

100.5 WKXA

100.5 WKXA

today, cloudy chance of a shower with a high of 73
tonight, cloudy with a chance of a shower low of 60
tomorrow, cloudy chance of showers, high of 80
weather powered by VisitFindlay.com

100.5 WKXA

100.5 WKXA

Today On Rex Howard In The Morning: What's Something You Refuse To Spend Money On?