BVHS’s Kose Encouraging People To Get Vaccinated

Blanchard Valley Health System says Dr. William Kose, vice president of special projects, was one of the first BVHS associates to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. (above pic courtesy of BVHS)

“I’m really excited to be able to get the vaccine, this is the light at the end of the tunnel,” Kose said after being inoculated against the coronavirus.



Kose says the vaccine is safe and has been well-studied.

“I highly encourage members of the community to consider getting the vaccine. It could save your life or the life of a loved one,” Kose added.

Hancock County’s initial shipment of the vaccine was received on Monday, December 21st and included 500 doses of the Moderna vaccine.

A vaccination clinic was held for Hancock County EMS personnel at the fairgrounds on December 23rd. (video below)

Hancock County health officials anticipate the vaccine to be available to anyone who wants it in early March.