Fair Offering New Program For Those With Developmental Disabilities

(From Blanchard Valley Center)

For those interested, here’s a new program for all the fair lovers!

Hancock County Fair is offering a new program for children and adults with developmental disabilities, ‘Shining in the Show Ring’.

“The First Annual Hancock County Shining in the Show Ring will be held Saturday August 30, 2025 at 1pm in the Recker Arena at the Hancock County Fairgrounds. This unique opportunity provides individuals with special needs an experience to know what it’s like to exhibit an animal at the fair. Participants will work with Jr. Fair Exhibitors and their animals to participate in an alternative livestock show to share what they have learned. The animal options include: calves, rabbits, and Chickens.

The Junior Fair exhibitors, or mentors, you will be working with will be in at least the 5th grade and have had at least two years of experience with their animal project. As a showman you will work alongside your mentor and learn how to care for the animal as well as how to safely and properly show the animal at the fair.”

If you would like an application for this program please send us a message with your email address and we will forward it to you.

Or contact Britta Fenestermaker directly with any questions.



Junior Fair Coordinator

419-429-7344 ext.203

[email protected]

1017 2. Sandusky St. Findlay, OH 45840