National School Bus Safety Week

October 19th through the 23rd is National School Bus Safety Week.

Law enforcement officials say this years theme, “Red Lights Mean STOP!” serves as a reminder for students, parents, teachers and the community to keep school bus safety in the forefront.

Agencies like the Findlay Police Department, Hancock County Sheriff’s Office and Ohio State Highway Patrol are urging everyone to do their part in keeping students safe.

Parents are urged to talk with their kids about how to act around school buses and drivers are reminded to keep their peeled for children getting on and off of buses.



Findlay Crime prevention officer Brian White says drivers also need to remember to slow down in school zones when children are present.

A driver who fails to stop for a school bus that’s loading or unloading students can be fined up to $500 and have their license suspended for a year.

On a two-lane road drivers going the same direction and opposite direction must stop for a school bus that’s loading or unloading students.

On a four-lane road, only vehicles going the same direction as the school bus must stop.

Get more school bus safety tips here.