Order Details How Many Fans Will Be Allowed At High School Sporting Events
The governor’s office has released details about the health orders under which fall high school sports will be allowed to be played in Ohio.
The order also applies to college, amateur, club and professional sports.
The governor previously said that spectators will be limited to family members and people close to the athlete.
The state order shows that a limited number of fans will be allowed at sporting events.
According to the order, outdoor spectators will be limited to 15 percent of the venue’s capacity or 1,500 people, whichever is less.
For indoor venues, it’s 15 percent of the venue’s capacity or 300 people, whichever is less.
The order says the primary purpose for allowing spectators is so that family members are be able to watch.
The order says family members must sit together, socially distanced from other individuals and family groups.
The order says coaches, volunteers, athletic trainers, and officials must wear a face covering at all times, and players must wear face coverings when not on the field or court of play.
Read the full order here.