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100.5 WKXA

100.5 WKXA

today, partly sunny high of 85

tonight, partly cloudy low of 60

tomorrow, mostly sunny high of 88

weather powered by VisitFindlay.com

100.5 WKXA

100.5 WKXA

Today on Rex Howard in the morning: Jamie Lee Curtis says the secret to her 40-year marriage is not leaving. Quote, "If you stay on the bus, the scenery will change." What is your advice for a good marriage?

100.5 WKXA

100.5 WKXA

today, mostly sunny high of 88

tonight, partly cloudy low of 62

tomorrow, partly sunny high of 86

weather powered by VisitFindlay.com

100.5 WKXA

100.5 WKXA

Today on Rex Howard In The Morning: September is National Preparedness Month: What's the First Thing You'd Grab in an Emergency?