Largest Single Gift For Student Scholarships In State History

(From Bowling Green State University)

In a historic announcement, Bowling Green State University and the Thompson Foundation will expand their philanthropic partnership to provide nearly a quarter of a billion dollars in student scholarships at the University.

The announcement comes following the successful pressure-testing of the Thompson Working Families Scholarship program at BGSU over the last decade, with a focus on shared accountability through University resources and philanthropy to achieve student success.

When combined with their past scholarship support, Bob and Ellen Thompson shared their intent to increase their contribution to scholarships at BGSU to total $121 million, with the possibility of an additional $30 million to extend the program past 2035. If realized, the Thompsons will have contributed $150 million to student scholarships at BGSU.

This contribution will be the largest in the University’s history, the largest single gift designated to student scholarships in the state of Ohio’s history and one of the largest non-endowed scholarship programs of its kind in the nation.

“This is a generationally defining gift for thousands of students who might not otherwise be able to earn a college degree,” said BGSU President Rodney K. Rogers.

“As a public university for the public good, access to higher education is at the very core of our mission, and we are incredibly grateful for the Thompsons’ unprecedented generosity in supporting student scholarships at BGSU. The impact of this gift is truly immeasurable.”