Wreaths Across America Day Again Will Include Local Events

Wreaths Across America Day is approaching.

The Findlay Wreaths Across America event takes place at Maple Grove Cemetery, and other area cemeteries are participating as well.

Sherri Garner Brumbaugh, President of Garner Trucking and coordinator of the Findlay event, was on with WFIN’s Chris Oaks to discuss it.




In December of 2021 wreaths were placed at the graves of 1,200 Veterans and Sherri says they’re working toward one day being able to recognize each and every one of the 5,000 Veterans who are buried at Maple Grove Cemetery.

The mission statement of Wreaths Across America is Remember, Honor, Teach.

REMEMBER our fallen Veterans, HONOR those who serve, and TEACH your children the value of freedom.

Wreaths Across America Day is Saturday, December 17th.